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Updated: Feb 1, 2021

Another year, another Thanksgiving Day coming up, and a whole lot to be thankful for.

It's been over a year with Donald Trump in the White House, and America has improved by leaps and bounds. Our economy has blossomed into a very healthy recovery, stocks have gone through the roof since the very day he took office, the "Swamp" is being constantly drained, tax reform has been hashed out, most of "Obamacare" is history, millions of jobs have been filled, millions are now off food stamps and government assistance, (the lowest in 9 years!) and real estate is booming again. There's a helluva lot more to list, but I'll refrain.

On the downside, there's currently a gazillion rape and molestation charges against a whole boatload of Politicians and Hollywood types going on, and not surprisingly- the vast majority of them are happening in the "Liberal sector", AKA the "godless types." It looks like a few of them might be going to prison.

Also, we've now witnessed an entire year of hearing and seeing crazed, depressed, perpetually-triggered/offended Liberals crying, screeching, protesting, calling for impeachment, rioting, destroying and removing historic and religious statues and monuments, getting caught lying and spreading fake news, "kneeling", and even (no, I'm not kidding) gathering in large, nationwide groups to scream at the sky!

Yes, these poor, depressed folks are living in absolute, horrifying, crippling agony.

But WAIT- I'm a Conservative, so that's not a "downside" at all. Just more to be thankful for!

What more could I possibly ask for? LIFE IS FREAKIN' GREAT!

On a serious note, as the years go by, our blessings may increase, but our numbers still thin.

I've now been blessed with 6 decades of life, and am quite happy and amazed I made it this far. I've outlived a helluva lot more friends and family than I ever thought I would, and thank the "Big Guy Upstairs" for every single day I'm around. And that I'm only half as ugly as I thought I'd be by 60!

Even in this day and age of craziness, I can always stop and count my blessings, and never forget how much there is to be thankful for.

And I can't think of anything else that brings that much joy.

I hope that everyone has plenty to give thanks for on the 23rd. And I hope you can share those thanks with your families and close friends together at the table- over a good-ol-fashioned turkey dinner with all the trimmings, followed up with some down home quality family time.

There's an old Thanksgiving saying I really like-

"May ye have such abundance of blessings to speak that your feast grows long cold."


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