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"KLANtifa", the ISIS of the USA


Updated: Feb 1, 2021

I'm renaming those a-holes. I'm calling them KLANtifa. Because of the hoods, cloaks, the whole thing.

These angry, destructive, radicalized, violent "Antifa" bastards are TERRORISTS. They have cost lives, done millions of dollars in property damage, hate free speech, ("Antifa" stands for "Anti First Amendment") and they wear black hoods, ski masks, and clothing to hide their childish, cowardly faces, as they commit felonious crimes against the population. KLANtifa really fits, especially since the KKK was created by, and made up of DEMOCRATS!

NOW, they demand that ALL CIVIL WAR STATUES be TORN DOWN! Hey, good or bad, that's OUR HISTORY. We're supposed to LEARN from our history. Statues of General Lee- the Confederate, have been torn down. States and cities have bowed to these a-holes and removed MONUMENTS, STATUES, PAINTINGS, and even CEMETERY MONUMENTS honoring our relatives and soldiers- all out of fear that THEIR lives and properties will be in danger. Hey, dumbass Democrat "Antifa" a-holes, General Lee was a DEMOCRAT! Even an ASIAN TV host named Lee was fired over his "controversial" name.

Confederate battle flags have been BANNED in hundreds of places. The Ten Commandments have been BANNED from many a courthouse and public office, etc. So have Christian crosses- even in CEMETERIES! You may ask, WHY?

They're angry about the USA turning red. Angry that we have a Conservative President, SCOTUS, a Conservative majority in the House and Senate, and even a Gubernatorial ratio of 36 Conservatives to 14 Liberals, another big majority.

Liberals LOST. Lost MISERABLY. Their candidates suck, and are usually yet-un-convicted felons! Will they regroup and try to find a winning strategy and maybe some candidates that aren't slimebag decrepit drunks and Commies? NOPE! They'll just throw tantrums, break & burn stuff, and attack people. All while chanting "Peace", "Love", "Coexistence", "TOLERANCE", "Free Speech", and everything else that they're actually AGAINST.

They seem to want an actual Civil War, AKA "CW2". Looks like that might be coming up, and if it actually (God forbid) happens, they are SO outnumbered, outgunned, (Obama being the World's Greatest Gun Salesman, and all) and have no fighting or survival skills. Hell, they need "SAFE SPACES" when someone "micro-aggresses" them, or wears a t-shirt they don't like. Or even a "MAGA" cap. They wouldn't last a hot second in an actual battle against Conservatives. We've have had at least 8 years of planning for something like this.

Thank God I'm not a crazed Leftist, and never could be.

I love my country.

I love my God and my choice of religious beliefs and practices.

I love my Constitution and Bill Of Rights.

I love being a Straight, Caucasian, Christian, Harley-riding, Half-Southern, Blue collar, big, ugly, leather-skinned, gun-owning, flag-waving Yi Dan. That makes me a "racist", right?

HELL NO. I don't HATE people that are not like me, or pigmented differently, want to be a different "gender", don't vote for my candidates, or want to worship something I might not believe in. The Hard Left can't understand that, not at all. Just don't mess with MY stuff, and everyone will get along just fine.

Rather than ramble on, have a look at these videos- all taken in public, no CGI or BS, just Antifa in "action."

This last one is really a major pissoff. Listen to them chanting, "No Trump, no wall, NO USA AT ALL." "No USA at all", huh? HEY, A-HOLES-- them's fightin' words.

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