When will it stop? Why does Obama refuse to use the phrases "Islamic terrorist", or Muslim terrorist? Why are we keeping our borders wide open? Why do we have a SOCIALIST running for President of the United States? Why do we have a proven, habitually lying, murderess of four Americans in Benghazi who is under Federal investigation for treason also running for that same job? Why does she want to (admittedly) disarm all American citizens?
And on the Conservative side, an extremely successful multi-billionaire who seems honest, patriotic, and refreshingly NON-politically correct, but who is like a "New York version of a John Wayne wannabe".
Today was the worst Muslim Terrorist mass shooting in USA history.
They will attack again, and again, because that's what they do. That's ALL they do.
Their Islamic cult beliefs DICTATES that they do.
THIS is why we need to protect our Second Amendment rights.
Please- join the NRA. Contribute to the 2AF- The Second Amendment Foundation, and other Pro-2A groups and organizations. Practice at your local range, consider getting a carry permit, teach your family gun safety, and securely store your weapons.
Average Police response time to a 911 call is 4.2 minutes.
According to reports, 3/4 of the people killed in Florida today died within the first 4 minutes of the attack.
A bullet takes around 1/1000th of a second to reach a target at 50 feet.
Do the math.